Monday, November 16, 2009

The Controversial Interview of Catherine Hardwicke For TIME'S Twilight Feature

i got this from TWIDAZZLEDGAL'S BLOG

This is an excerpt from the Time Magazine feature on Twilight where Catherine Hardwicke shoots her mouth off. For the rest of the article head over to the source below:

Edward wasn't that easy. "The bar is so high," Hardwicke says. "Every two pages there's a comment about how gorgeous he is ... I met all of these guys I felt were quite good, but they didn't have that special other quality that they were alive for 105 years." She took Robert Pattinson and three other actors to her house in Venice, Calif., to run lines with Kristen. They played the biology-class scene in the dining room. They moved the cars out of the garage and did the "How long have you been 17?" scene there. Then they did the kissing scene on Hardwicke's bed. "I played it like a guy who is beating himself up a lot about everything," Pattinson says. "I don't think anyone else did it like that. I guess I tried to ignore every aspect of the confident hero of the story." It worked. Stewart and Hardwicke were sold.

Selling Pattinson to Summit was tougher. He wasn't a star--his biggest role was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire--and he didn't look like a star. "He was disheveled," Hardwicke says. "He was a different weight. His hair was different and dyed black [he had just played Salvador Dalí in Little Ashes]. He was all sloppy. The studio head said, 'You want to cast this guy as Edward Cullen?' I said yeah. And he said, 'Do you think you can make him look good?' I said yes, I do."

By all accounts, the chemistry between the two leads was intense, maybe too intense. "After I cast him, I told Rob, Don't even think about having a romance with her," Hardwicke says. "She's under 18. You will be arrested." It was the beginning of the real-life are-they-aren't-they, did-they-didn't-they speculation that is now an ongoing subplot of the Twilight story. "I didn't have a camera in the hotel room. I cannot say," Hardwicke says. "But in terms of what Kristen told me directly, it didn't happen on the first movie. Nothing crossed the line while on the first film. I think it took a long time for Kristen to realize, O.K., I've got to give this a go and really try to be with this person."

While shooting New Moon, the cast and crew began to realize that like Jacob, Twilight had transformed. It's a different beast now: not a fast, maneuverable indie franchise but a global juggernaut. The books have hit No. 1 in 15 countries. Pattinson just got back from Japan, where for the first time he heard the same shrieking that he gets in the U.S. "No one could really speak English, but they reacted in the same way as they have around the world," he says. "Even the distributor was saying, Japanese audiences don't react like this."

At the heart of all this are Stewart and Pattinson, who have gone from obscurity straight to superstardom. People wait for them outside buildings. People try to follow them home. "In Vancouver shooting New Moon, I tried something," Pattinson says. "It's the only city in the world where hoods are not fashionable. If you're wearing a hood, you're going to mug people. So I wore a hood, and then I'd sort of spit on the ground a little bit and do a little bit of shaking around as you're walking. Everyone moved to the other side of the street."

If there's an irony to the success of Twilight, it's this: life as the idol at the white-hot center of the hottest entertainment franchise in the world isn't that much different from being a vampire. Pattinson has become the immortal object of global fandom's hopeless yearnings. What began deep in Meyer's unconscious mind has become Pattinson and Stewart's reality. They're living the dream.

source: TIME.COM

hmmm i dunno what to say.. i am not sure how robsten reacted to this but i just wished Catherine perhaps, just let the two do it their own way instead of her blowing this one out??? anyways, i don't see the motive.. as much as i hope those two are REALLY together, their happiness is the most important thing i guess..

NEW MOON OVERLOAD this week!!!

as what GOSSIPCOP said, set your dvrs/tivos coz its new moon week[s] here are the schedule of the cast appearances posted by

November 16:
Kristen Stewart – “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien”
Taylor Lautner – “The Jay Leno Show”
Dakota Fanning – “Ellen”
November 18:
Robert Pattinson – “The Late Show with David Letterman”
Kristen Stewart – “The Today Show” and “Live with Regis and Kelly” and “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”
Kellan Lutz – “Ellen”
November 19:
Robert Pattinson – “The Today Show” and “Live with Regis and Kelly”
Taylor Lautner – “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”
Dakota Fanning – “The Jay Leno Show”
November 20:
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner – “Jimmy Kimmel Live” (pre-taped)
Robert Pattinson – “Ellen” (pre-taped)
Taylor Lautner – “The Today Show” and “Live with Regis and Kelly”
Nikki Reed – “Rachael Ray”
November 23:
Ashley Greene – “The Late Show with David Letterman”
Michael Sheen – “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson”
November 24:
Ashley Greene – “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon”
November 25:
Peter Facinelli – “Jimmy Kimmel Live”
November 30:
Michael Sheen – “Bonnie Hunt Show”
December 2:
Nikki Reed – “Jimmy Kimmel Live”
Kellan Lutz – “Bonnie Hunt Show”
December 3:
Ashley Greene – “Jimmy Kimmel Live”
Nikki Reed – “Bonnie Hunt Show”
December 4:
Ashley Greene – “Bonnie Hunt Show”

CHris Weitz, Taylor Lautner and Rob Pattinson Unscripted Interview

by moviefone

rob was friggin hilarious with his little mermaid-related answer and the 3 of them seems to be pretty close.. no wonder all of them are like all-praise for Chris Weitz

my submitted question was not asked.. hahha! as if.. but it would really be awesome if it was tho.. hahahaha

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Moon Mania Takes Over in London

I can only give you a link for there's no embed code available

and Robert Pattinson's interview regarding the Italy scenes of New Moon

tnx to etalk for the video... =)

PARIS: Kristen, Robert and Taylor Mingles with Fans

credits to StormShadowCrew
shared by kstewartfans @ Livejournal

Fan: You're very sexy!
Rob: Yeah Right?! 
*lmao! how humble can he be??

Robert talks about EXPLOSIVE FANS *guilty*

video uploaded by FEPATTZ Shared by TWILIGHTSTRIPPED

oh my gosh.. lol! i also want to chant with those ones.. WE WANT ROB! WE WANT ROB! hahaha but i swear if he'll be like in front of me, i'll just stare at him with mouth wide open.. DAZZLED!! 

New Moon Red Carpet to Stream Live on MySpace

New Moon Red Carpet to Stream Live on MySpace

MySpace will exclusively host a live-stream of the red carpet activities before the premiere of the new Twilight Saga installment, New Moon, the site announced today. The video goes live at 6 p.m. PT on Monday, Nov. 16.

Can we just say, if the Internet were ever to break under the stress of it all, you can bet the cause would be a lethal combination of Twilight and live video. Which stars will bring which other stars as their dates to the New Moon? Heck, the whole world might come to an end.

MySpace said it will pick one lucky fan to co-host red carpet interviews alongside Anya Marina, writer and performer of the song Satellite Heart from the New Moon soundtrack. Other fans will be able to participate via questions posed online to the stream and later, live chats with the cast during the film’s opening week (it actually comes out to the public Nov. 20).
Red carpets are the hot new category in live-streaming events, with the premiere of Michael Jackson’s This Is It drawing 1.8 million viewers late last month. Though as we’ve said in the past, live access to the red carpet is a painful tease as Internet fans always get cut off when the event actually starts.
We’ve been impressed with MySpace’s smooth and high-quality live streaming for previous events like Michael Jackson’s memorial service, but don’t recall who its previous tech partners were. The New Moon red carpet will be outsourced to Ustream, which is not always the best quality but tends to be reliable (so probably a good choice given the potential volume of interest for a Twilight exclusive). A representative for MySpace said the site was able to get the red carpet live stream exclusively due to a larger deal between MySpace and Summit Entertainment for New Moon that includes extensive promotion on the site’s movies, music and video sections as well as its homepage. 

* i just hope by this time, my internet would be working perfectly and my myspace acct would be active.. i always forgot what password am i using for that site.. hehe*

Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene @ San Francisco HOT TOPIC Tour of New Moon Cast

video credited to POPSUGAR RUSH posted by RPLIFE

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taylor Lautner Interview THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON

by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub

If you’re a fan of the “Twilight” franchise, you’re probably counting the days untill November 20th. That’s because in just a few weeks, the second installment in the worldwide phenomenon, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”, is going to be released. So to help promote the film, yesterday, here in Los Angeles, Summit Entertainment held a massive press junket that had the entire cast and the filmmakers talking to reporters from around the world. That means you can expect to see tons of interviews with your favorite cast members on every website you read and on every TV channel.

Due to how many interviews the cast is doing, I’m not waiting till the week of release to post who I spoke to yesterday. So after the jump you can read a transcript of the press conference Taylor Lautner did yesterday. He talked about how he got in shape for the role, the stunt work, what he has coming up, working with the cast, and he answers the big question: in a no holds barred fight who would win, Jacob or Edward. Take a look:

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie poster Volturi 1.jpgQuestion: Did you ever feel like you were ever really in danger of not getting this role? Did you use steroids?

Lautner: Definitely not on your second question. And honestly, I knew where my character went in ‘New Moon’ and that’s all I tried to stay focused on. I couldn’t control things outside, I couldn’t control the media. But I could control what I was doing to portray Jacob Black correctly. So that’s what I stayed focused on the whole entire time.

Question: Did that start with going to the gym?

Lautner: Absolutely. Yeah, Jacob transforms a lot in ‘New Moon.’ Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. So it was a matter of getting to the gym and eating the right foods and a lot of it. But also, reading and studying the book and my character over and over and over again so I could have his character down as well. Because he changes in many many different ways.

Question: Can you talk about those changes?

Lautner: Well when he transforms, basically my job was to continue what I started in ‘Twilight,’ which was this extremely happy, friendly, outgoing guy. Best friends with Bella. And I had to continue that for the first half of the film, but as soon as I transform, I snap and I become a completely different person. I’m dealing with my issues and it’s really hard for me.

Question: Would you talk about scenes where you show off your physique?

Lautner: I start laughing so hard every time I see that scene. ‘Oh, you’re bleeding? Okay, let me fix it.’ It’s so embarrassing. Yeah, I mean, here’s the thing. There’s a reason that he’s not wearing clothes all the time. One, when he transforms, all his clothes get shredded, he can’t help it. And when he goes into the woods to get something to put so he’s not naked, it’s just a ripped pair of jean shorts. And he’s also hot, he’s one hundred eight degrees. So that’s another reason. And the thing is, I love this character, I love this story and putting on the weight and not wearing much clothing was required by the role. A year from now, if I love a story and I love a character that requires me to lose forty pounds, I’m ready to do it.

Question: Like Tarzan?

Lautner: Possibly.

Question: Could you be more specific? I want to do whatever it was you did.

Lautner: Oh boy. Putting the pressure on me now. I was in the gym about five days a week, because it’s important to get your recovery time. And not over working yourself, because if you’re overworking yourself, I was trying to put on weight. And if I was in the gym, I’d be burning the calories I’m trying to take in. The most important thing was the eating side. Everybody thinks it was the actual getting in the gym, that was easy. I was motivated, so getting in the gym was easy for me. But, the eating was pretty hard. It was just eating a lot, we found out that I had to consume at least thirty two hundred calories a day just to maintain. And I’m not trying to maintain, I’m trying to gain. So I had to eat more than that. And putting something in your mouth every two hours. And I’m busy. I’m downtown LA going from meeting to meeting, so there’s not time for me to be eating so I literally would have to carry a little baggie full of beef patties, raw almonds, sweet potatoes, so it’s not like every two hours I’m eating ice cream. It was difficult.

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie poster The Wolf Pack 1.jpgQuestion: Did you have a personal trainer?

Lautner: I do, I definitely had one that helped me out.

Question: Were you ever concerned about overshadowing Edward in your performance? Was that something you had to temper?

Lautner: Well thank you very much, that’s good to hear. I think it just depends on what kind of girl you are, what kind of guy you like. Edward and Jacob are complete opposite guys. They’re hot and cold. Literally. Forget that. So yeah, I mean it’s just I personally love Jacob and Bella’s relationship. How they begin with best friends and it starts to grow into something more and more. Both guys are in love with Bella. Both guys are always gonna be there for Bella. And they’re protective. And I mean I just think it’s what kind of guy you like.

Question: Can you talk about the stunt work and the wire work?

Lautner: The physical side was really fun. Some of it was challenging. I’ve never ridden a dirt bike before and yes, I rode the dirt bike for a total of five seconds in the film. But for those five seconds, I had to look as cool as possible. So it did require a lot of practice just for safety wise so they could let me do it. And the wire work, like when I run up the side of her house and that whole thing. The wires were there just so if I slipped and fell I didn’t face plant into the ground. But it was definitely challenging, that stunt was really complicated and you need to be on. I’m using like a little plug in the side of the wall just to take off from and jump so it’s really complicated. And it required a lot of practice. Every single weekend I would practice that stunt for three hours a day and it was the last thing we filmed. The bonding with the werewolves was very fun, those guys were characters. They’re a lot of fun - did they talk to you? Oh my, I’m sure this was a fun room. They’re fun guys and what’s so great is that they each fit their character perfectly so on set, we had a blast when they were on set. They made the set so exciting.

Question: They were talking about getting a wolfpack tattoo, are you in?

Lautner: I don’t know, I’d have to think about. I’ll have to discuss it with my pack.

Question: The media seems to love you, shirtless or not. What’s the strangest thing that’s ever been written about you? How do you let the fans know who you really are outside of Jacob?

Lautner: Honestly, I try and stay away from what’s been written about me, because if you let that stuff get to you and it’s not true it can drive you crazy. One thing that I have heard recently which is not true, I didn’t say it, is that I believe I was quote saying ‘I will never take my shirt off for a movie again.’ I didn’t say that. If I have to, if the character requires it, I will. Who knows in ten years I might do that. And like I said earlier, if the character requires me to lose forty pounds, I’ll do it. It’s just all what the character requires. So that was interesting to see. What was the second part?

Question: How do you balance the fans and the public with your real persona?

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie image.jpgLautner: It’s difficult, it is. It’s definitely important to stay true to yourself and stay close to those people who you were close to before. Family, your friends, and just not let that outside stuff get to you.

Question: How do you prepare yourself to be an idol to teen girls?

Lautner: I don’t think there’s anyway to prepare yourself for this phenomenon just because none of us expected it. When we were filming ‘Twilight,’ we didn’t expect anything. We were just filming a movie that we wanted the fans to enjoy. And then it kinda just blew into this whole other world. So I don’t think there’s a way to prepare for that, but yeah you could definitely say I felt a little bit of pressure trying to bring Jacob’s character and Jake and Bella’s relationship alive for the fans. Because this movie definitely develops their relationship and that sets up the love triangle so it’s a very important story.

Question: What is it like to look around see all the posters with your face on it? Is it strange?

Lautner: Yeah of course. I don’t think there’s a way to ever get used to it. It’s not normal to drive down the street and see your face up there. It’s ‘Twilight,’ it comes with the job.

Question: Is it cool though?

Lautner: [laughing] Possibly. It comes with the job.

Question: You’re filming with Taylor Swift. Has she written a song about you? Would you like her to?

Lautner: That’s a scary thing. I don’t know if she has. I have no idea. That movie was a lot of fun and it comes out pretty soon, it comes out really soon after ‘New Moon’ does. It’s gonna be fun there was a lot of fantastic actors in it, I got to work with legendary director Gary Marshall and Taylor was great as well. So I’m excited to go and see that.

Question: What’s it called?

Lautner: Valentine’s Day.

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie image Taylor Lautner.jpgQuestion: So it’ll be out early next year?

Lautner: Yeah, in February.

Question: Was it hard with the schedule?

Lautner: It was hard, yeah. We had a very short break between ‘New Moon’ and ‘Eclipse’ and I knew that I wanted to be part of this film somehow, just to work with Gary and then the entire cast so I was able just to squeeze a short thing in quickly.

Question: What about you and Taylor Swift?

Lautner: What about us?

Question: Is that just a publicity thing? Are you two dating?

Lautner: Well the very funny thing is that all of you have seen every single move I make so I guess I can leave that up to you to decide.

Question: How much does wearing the wig inform your character? Is getting rid of it freeing?

Lautner: Yeah, I had a sigh of relief when we brought this up. It was very freeing. It not only was uncomfortable, okay. One? I’d look at myself in the mirror and I wouldn’t be able to recognize myself, it was so weird to see that hair on me. Two, it was very itchy, hot, whatever. Annoying. But it also, it slowed down the filming process like whenever it got caught in my eye or whatever, we’d have to cut, start over. It got caught in my mouth and I’m spitting hair out in the middle of the scene. I’m coming this close to kissing Bella and I’m like ’sorry, I gotta spit my hair out.’ So it was annoying, so yeah. The day we were able to - we actually had a picture wrap on the wig. You know, the crew claps for you at the end or whatever. My last day of filming with the wig, we ripped it off, held it up in the air and were like ‘that’s a picture wrap on Taylor’s wig.’ And the whole crew did a standing ovation and it was amazing, it was great to chop that thing off.

Question: There’s practically an international countdown for your eighteenth birthday. Have you given any thought to that day?

Lautner: I haven’t even begun. We are so busy, it’s like we take one day at a time. I don’t even know what room in this hotel I’m going to after this. That’s very interesting, I wasn’t aware of this countdown. It’s a big day. It is a big day. So yeah, as soon as I finish this, maybe I’ll think about that.

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie image Taylor Lautner (1).jpgQuestion: What is a really sweet fan encounter you can tell us about?

Lautner: Man, we have fans all the time that will just burst into tears and that just - yeah, it’s just moving. It must mean so much for them to meet us and it’s an amazing feeling to know you can touch somebody in that way. It also makes you sad, it’s like, ‘don’t cry, stop crying!’ You don’t know what to do, it’s like ‘it’s okay!’ It’s hard, you feel bad for them but you’re also happy at the same time.

Question: Would it help in your real life to turn into a werewolf?

Lautner: Oh boy. I don’t know, I guess when you’re younger and you’re in school being picked on by some bullies. Get into a fight with your little sister, no. I don’t know, that’s a good question. I don’t think that would be a good situation. It could get very, very ugly.

Question: Who would win between Shark Boy and Jacob?

Lautner: That’s a good question. At the moment, I’d have to say Jacob. We’re pretty strong. And fast.

Question: What’s it like to say goodbye to Edi [Gathegi] and Rachelle [Lefevre]? Who else are you close to into the cast? Are you close to Bryce [Dallas Howard]?

Lautner: It was definitely sad to see both of them go. All of us, the whole entire cast loves both of them. They were great people, but Bryce is amazing. She is extremely talented and she’s a great girl as well. So we’re definitely lucky to be surrounded by an amazing cast. I wouldn’t be able to pick one [that'd I'm close to]. If I were to start, I’d end up listing the whole cast. I do spend a lot of time with Kristen because all of my scenes are involved with her, so Kristen and I are very close. I guess I’m close with Rob too because we spend a lot of time together as well. But this great thing about this series is that the whole entire cast is so close and it would be a nightmare if we weren’t. It would be impossible to make this series because the characters are so tight, so we’re really thankful that we all get along so well.

Question: What’s it like working/living in Canada? Tell us about the next movie as well?

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie image Kristen Stewart.jpgLautner: Canada’s great. I’ve spent a while there, I’ve spent the six months there this year. The first time we were there, it was really rainy and dark and cloudy and it was snowing and that was difficult weather wise. But this past time filming ‘Eclipse,’ it was beautiful. It’s just one of the most beautiful cities, I’m definitely gonna miss it a lot. Filming ‘Eclipse’ - Eclipse was my favorite book so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that it’s the height of the love triangle. ‘Twilight’ develops Edward and Bella’s relationship, ‘New Moon’ develops Jacob and Bella’s and in ‘Eclipse,’ the three of them are physically together. It has one of my favorite scenes ever in that movie - the tent scene. Edward is forced, I mean I guess it was a choice of his, to let me sleep in the same sleeping bag as Bella, just so she doesn’t die because she’s shivering to death. And I’m warm and I’m the only thing at that moment that can keep her alive. It’s a funny scene, there’s a lot of ribbing going on between Jacob and Edward. It’s gonna be a really good movie. And visually stunning. David Slade is incredible visually.

Question: Behind the camera, how cold was it? Talk about the shivering.

Lautner: Yeah, the challenging thing is Jacob is supposed to be extremely hot so he’s not supposed to feel cold at all. And the worst scene for that was the rain scene or the break-up scene, where Bella first sees Jacob after his transformation. We’re standing on that little hill right behind Jacob’s house and it was thirty five degrees and it was pouring rain on top of us and just not regular rain, rain tower rain which comes straight from the springs. And the scene was very long, it took four minutes to film the scene and we film that same scene all day long. So it was really, really rough. It was hard. And as soon as we’d call cut, we’d run over to a heater quick and wrap ourselves in blankets and we’d have like two minutes before we’d have to go do another take. So the weather was definitely extremely challenging and I just had to take myself to another world so during the scene I wasn’t sitting there shivering. It was hard, sometimes I’d catch myself and I’d have to stop.

Question: Did you catch a cold?

Lautner: No, I didn’t, I’m really surprised by that actually. I was, for sure I was gonna get sick.

Question: Do you speak any Spanish at all?

Lautner: I don’t speak much Spanish. I took it in school, yeah. That was about it. And I think it’s just Jacob’s personality, he’s really outgoing, he’s random and it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with his character. Just the fact that he’s friendly and you never know what to expect. I didn’t speak any Spanish in ‘Eclipse’ so that was a bummer. But at the end of this one, I did speak a little bit of Quileutes, when I was leaning in to kiss her in the kitchen. No, I’m not going to tell you what I said. I leave that to you to figure out. There are only like four people left in the world who actually speak Quileutes, so we were able to talk to one of these ladies and it was really interesting.

The Twilight Saga New Moon movie image Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.jpgQuestion: What did you think of your role when you finally got to the wolf on screen? How are you trying to relish the end of your teenage years?

Lautner: I’m having the time of my life, so it couldn’t be a better end to my teenage years. I’m doing what I love and I’m spending time with the people I love. So it’s great, I’m definitely never, ever going to forget this. [When I first saw the wolf], I was blown away. I was really excited. Because when I’m filming the famous trailer shot where I’m running through the film and jump up and transform mid-air, I’m attached to wires and I’m running and I let the wires pull me up the air and they jerk me to a stop and I just have to freeze there and let them convert my body into a CGI wolf and the whole time I’m like ‘I hope I look cool.’ And yeah, after I saw the final version last week, after I saw the wolves it was amazing. And the fight scene that comes right after that, the fight between Jacob and Paul Wolf, it was so cool. I thought they were extremely powerful and looked very real.

Question: No holds barred fight, who would win, Jacob or Edward. Same thing with you and Rob?

Lautner: Oh man. I don’t know between me and Rob. He actually does a lot of boxing in his time off, so it might be a good match-up. Jacob, we were actually discussing this on set, it’s funny we were like ‘who would win in a fight between Jacob and Edward,’ because there’s a scene outside Bella’s house where Edward grabs my shoulder and he’s mad at me and Jacob doesn’t take that. So he takes his arm and rips it off. And at that moment, Jacob would transform into a wolf and we’re having this discussion that got really deep, we’re like ‘if I were to poof into a wolf right now, what would happen? Who would win?’ I don’t know, our discussion points were like ‘usually, we’re with our pack so if I’m without my pack, am I gonna be weaker?’ So I honestly don’t know. That discussion is still up in the air. We should probably get Stephenie Meyer on the line and ask her.

Question: How does being part of this phenomenon transform you?

Lautner: Really, I’d have to say the biggest transformation would be my schedule. I’m really really busy, but it’s a lot of fun. I just got back from South America yesterday and here I am today for three days and then I go to Europe. So I’m really really busy but it’s been a lot of fun. It’s been a great experience, I’m really excited to be part of this thing.

Question: Have Robert and Kristen given you advice on how to enjoy this moment? Any advice at all?

Lautner: No, I mean I think most of our advice and talking and stuff has just pretty much stayed on a business level. And that’s the great thing with our relationship, is where all of us are completely open and not afraid to hold anything back, we talk about our characters together and we have meetings and we discuss our characters and it’s really, really helpful. But we haven’t gotten into life talks yet.

Stephenie Meyer, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene and Director Chris Weitz On Set Interviews - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON

Stephenie Meyer, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene and Director Chris Weitz On Set Interviews - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON

by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub

side comment: Here’s what you need to know: when actors are on set and filming a movie, at some point they do generic interviews for the eventual EPK (electronic press kit). Meaning some studio intern or production assistant asks the most basic questions and the actor answers them. They’re not exactly hard hitting interviews. But, like I said, you “Twilight” fans want to see everything and I aim to please. So after the jump you can watch on set video interviews with Stephenie Meyer, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene and Director Chris Weitz.

Stephenie Meyer Interview THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON

Ashley Greene On Set Interview THE TWILIGHT SAGA NEW MOON

Dakota Fanning On Set Interview THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON


Michael Sheen On Set Interview THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON

Chris Weitz On Set Video Interview


Saturday, November 7, 2009

SNL Parody Of Twilight In 'Firelight' With Taylor Swift!

this is really funny! lol.. all the lip bitting killed the thing..

Gossip Cop on Kristen Stewart and the Media

credits to GOSSIPCOP.COM

And now a few words on Kristen Stewart.
Entertainment Weekly had the opportunity to speak with Stewart (and Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner) in Vancouver before “Eclipse” wrapped. As everyone now knows, during the conversation Stewart “got nicely fired up” about constant questions concerning the nature of her relationship with Pattinson.
“I probably would’ve answered it if people hadn’t made such a big deal about it,” Stewart told the magazine, going on to point out that people seem to assume that the choice to become an actor erases one’s right to privacy. Then Stewart gave the comments headlined around the world, “There’s no answer that’s not going to tip you one way or the other. Think about every hypothetical situation: ‘Okay, we are. We aren’t. I’m a lesbian.’ I’m just trying to keep something.”
Smart and media savvy, Stewart knew which word would rock the blogosphere.
And it did.
While it’s surprising that the majority of outlets actually took the time to read two paragraphs and understand the comments’ context, the fact that these same outlets used Stewart’s plea to leave her personal life alone as just another opportunity to keep it in the news cycle is all too predictable.
Of course blogs are going to run with the “lesbian” headline. Few words will grab more eyes. If those eyes happen to read enough of the article to understand Stewart was joking, great. If not – well, they don’t care. They got you to click.
We understand why the media does what it does. Phenomena like “Twilight” and celebrities like the series’ stars are huge moneymakers for the gossip biz. That’s why an entertainment-focused publication like EW raises the “who’s dating whom???” question in the first place, acting, as one of its own commenters pointed out, more like Tiger Beat. And many fans – not all, but MANY – want very intimate details about those stars’ personal lives. If there were not millions of fans who DID care about Stewart’s relationships, the tabloids and the sites Gossip Cop monitors would have no incentive to badger her.
But it doesn’t make it right for them to do so. It just doesn’t.
What Gossip Cop wants, and what we think nearly all of our readers want (judging by your comments and e-mails) is not just honesty in reporting, but also civility and respect.
We don’t think that’s preachy. We think it’s journalism.
We’ve seen the paparazzi’s destructive behavior with Pattinson, Stewart, and dozens of other young celebrities. We’ve seen the relationship between stars and the people who cover them deteriorate. We see increasingly antagonistic bloggers turning otherwise charismatic actors and actresses into pin cushions less willing to open up when it is appropriate and when they do feel comfortable.
And when someone like Stewart speaks out like she did, sites miss the point and keep stoking speculation.
Stewart hinted at as much in the interview. “I’m not going to give the fiending an answer,” she explains.
Her private life – like Pattinson’s, like Lautner’s, like everyone’s – is private. The celebrities who let fans get a glimpse of their lives are the ones who do so willingly and happily. They are not browbeaten or blackmailed into it.
The outlets that circle Stewart like wolves and pounce at every movement bear an unflattering similarity to Bella’s foes.

*Back from being MIA* Robert Pattinson is hiding baby bump under his ARMPITS! =)

credits to MTV.COM

or watch it in in YT through this link:

and wow! new format for blogger input box! neat! =p

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Robert Pattinson's Audition Stint from HOW TO BE

Twilight Returns To Theaters

credits to Eonline News

This was actually expected already coz summit entertainment already gave us a hint before:

by @Twilight: Are you planning on seeing the #Twilight / #NewMoon double feature?

how i wish i could watch twilight and new moon straight! lucky for those who got tix for the nov. 19th premier of New Moon... sigh! its too late for me.. if i only have my own ride, i will defo go there even only with myself! waaa! so excited!

Breaking Dawn Confirmed and Some ROBSTEN Arriving on LAX together

video credited to EONLINE

i am so giddy right now! i dunno how in the world will they make it on film but.. however it is.. i am so gonna wait for this! BD is my favourite book!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Exclusive Twilight Interview: Eclipse's Julia Jones

Credits to

Leah Clearwater's Julia Jones opens up on her "really good job," new opportunities and - yes! - working with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

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World, meet Julia Jones. Julia is one of the most sought-after new additions to the Twilight

cast, having just wrapped filming for Eclipse. Jones plays the complex role of Leah Clearwater, the scorned and lonely female in the La Push werewolf pack.

A 28-year-old, Ivy-educated Boston native, Julia Jones spoke exclusively with LimeLife upon returning to Los Angeles from the Eclipse sets in Vancouver. Here we kick off a highly-coveted two-week series where she shares the shocking story behind landing the part of Leah, the ways your life transforms when you've starred in the biggest film franchise in the world, and the inside truth about Twilight cast relationships.

Twilight and LimeLife fans, get in...

LimeLife: Julia, you've just played this amazing role in Eclipse and we can't wait to hear about it. First though, can you tell us from where else we might know you?

Julia Jones: Probably the most notable thing was that I did a recurring role on ER. I appeared in their final season [as Dr. Kaya Montoya], so it was pretty cool to be a part of something that great and large as it was closing. Everybody was appreciating it, so it was a good time to be involved.

LimeLife: We heard that there were open casting calls for Eclipse. How exactly did you score the part of Leah Clearwater?

Julia Jones: The casting director I've had a relationship with for a number of years. She actually just called us up and I went in and auditioned for the director David Slade and for her, and came back about a week later and read for some people from Summit and David again and some of the producers. And then I waited for about a month before I heard anything, and you're right, in that time they were doing huge casting calls and going up to Canada. I think they accepted tapes from anybody so really anyone in the world could put themselves on tape and potentially be seen by the casting people.

LimeLife: Okay, so basically you were tapped on the shoulder to audition for the biggest cinema craze of our time. What kind of relationship did you have with the Twilight series at that time?

Julia Jones: It's interesting because I hadn't read any of the books before I got the audition. I of course was aware of it, I have good friends who have been - I think "obsessed" is the right word - for quite some time. (Laughs.) Then when I got the call for the audition, I actually had a very serious visceral reaction. My heart started beating fast, it's a very unusual thing but I think on some level I think I sort of felt like I knew that this was going to be something important and probably life-changing.

LimeLife: Julia, you were cast with a pretty dynamic and somewhat complex character. Can you tell us about Leah Clearwater?

Julia Jones: Yeah, totally. First of all she's the only werewolf who's a female, which is in itself a very cool thing, but she has this complicated backstory where she is heartbroken because the head of the pack Sam Uley left her for her best friend and her cousin. So in addition to that she's dealing with all the changes that you have in your body when you become a wolf, and as a girl there's really nobody who knows what's happening to her - she's really alone and out there and heartbroken at the same time. And it makes her very angry and mean, and really she's just in a lot of pain and she doesn't know how to ask for help so she lashes out.

LimeLife: What did you bring to Leah's character? Did you relate to her?

Julia Jones: The heartbreak is a very universal emotion and most of us have felt that - I have. So that was clearly part of it. But also just being so caught up in what's going on in your world emotionally that you can't connect to the outside world, that's something that's a hard thing. Anytime you go through something dark and painful, it makes you want to just withdraw from the world, except you can't. I explored what that's like a lot when I was preparing.

One of the fun things that I got to bring to her was just being a tomboy and hanging out with the boys. I was always a huge tomboy growing up and I was always competing. I was the only girl in my football league, and they were so mean to me! (Laughs). And so a lot of that was easy to draw on.

Check back with LimeLife on Thursday for Part Two of our interview with Eclipse's Julia Jones where she will be talking about how Twilight has changed her life.

Chris Weitz steps out of his zone for New Moon

Article From Calgary Herald

LOS ANGELES - The director behind "American Pie" and "About a Boy" wasn't the obvious choice to take on "The Twilight Saga: New Moon," the second book in Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster teen vampire romance series. But Chris Weitz, who also writes and produces, sometimes with his brother Paul, had done a fantasy adaptation in 2007's "The Golden Compass" and felt a connection to the material. On November 20, "Twilight" fans -- and Summit Entertainment, which is releasing the film -- will determine whether he was up to the task.

The Hollywood Reporter: Why did you want to do a "Twilight" movie?

Chris Weitz: The tonality of the movie, which has a lot to do with heartbreak and longing, depression and reunion and ecstasy -- these were emotions that struck a chord in me. I really loved the cast; Kristen (Stewart) and Rob (Pattinson) both are exceptionally talented. And I wanted to get my hand back in the game. There were a lot of things in this movie that I knew how to do: a combination of telling a character-based story but also handling special effects and working with young actors.

THR: And adding another genre of film to your resume?

Weitz: It gets a bit boring to be in a particular zone. I like the idea of switching genres and different types of stories to keep things interesting. But it might be the way to become unmemorable as a director, I suppose. There aren't that many dilettante directors who get remembered. John Ford did all kinds of movies. Billy Wilder did too, but they get remembered for one particular kind.

THR: So how do you want to be remembered?

Weitz: I'm not sure. I don't think I have to be remembered. I'll be dead anyway. (laughs)

THR: How much did you interact with Stephenie Meyer?

Weitz: A lot; we've had a real good collaboration. Crucially, she approved me as director, and she didn't have to. We had some discussions that were very important -- my convincing her that I didn't want to take her baby and run away with it, or tell a story that was counter to the spirit of what she was trying to tell. I see myself, in the last few movies I've done, as adapting literary properties into film, so that's how I treated this one. We got along like a house on fire.

THR: What kind of suggestions did she give you?

Weitz: It would normally be me e-mailing her and running things by her when I felt I was on the edge of getting a detail wrong, everything from the powers of a given vampire to the look of a particular scene or what she imagined a location looked like. And sometimes, when I felt that I was creating something new within the framework she had set up, making sure she was aware of it and that it didn't make her sick.

THR: For example?

Weitz: A good example is the headquarters of the Volturi. The oldest vampire family lives in Italy, and it was important to me there be nothing in their surroundings that reeked of any other vampire movie. So the interiors are done in a very classic Renaissance style and are very crisp and very bright, which you would not normally expect from a vampire movie.

THR: Speaking of Italy, how have you dealt with the problem that the heartthrob is gone for most of the book?

Weitz: There are two heartthrobs in this movie, not just Rob but Taylor Lautner. Part of the point was that Edward was away. Readers of the book know this and appreciate it. The story is about loss and heartache; he is present as an absence. Bella is always thinking of him and affected by him. His return to the film is really powerful and made more so by not having millions of "back at the ranch" scenes. And the middle of the movie is sustained by Kristen's amazing performance and by Taylor doing a lovely job as her best friend. There are people who would like nothing more than two hours of Rob Pattinson standing there, and I sympathize with them. But I think they'll appreciate getting him back after the second act.

THR: So you didn't alter the story at all?

Weitz: No. We didn't want to shoehorn him into the story. I did alter the visuals of the story in the sense that in the book, Kristen's character has aural hallucinations -- she hears his voice -- and we've built in a very beautiful subtle effect so that we see him as well. But those are brief, if impactful, moments. A lot of the film is sustained by her loss and Taylor's character bringing her back to life.

THR: How much do you interact with the Twi-hards?

Weitz: Quite a bit. I don't have an online, direct relation with the fans; I was too busy making the movie. But I sort of feel as though every bit of footage I get out is speaking to the fans in a way. I've only addressed the fans directly twice: at the very beginning, when I said, "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of this book," and then to address an insane rumor that all the Volturi were naked in their introductory scene. But I listened to what they have to say by checking in on the Internet. I didn't do it that much while we were shooting because I didn't want to get swayed one way or another; it would be like a politician just going by the polls. But now that the footage is complete, I kind of enjoy just checking in various sites and seeing what they like.

THR: What is your favorite "Twilight" blog?

Weitz: I don't really have a favorite. All the blogs are, in a really delightful and noncompetitive way, poaching and linking to one another's material. So if something is on one blog, it's very likely to be on another blog as well. I think it's great that there are fan sites that are not there to make money but to express enthusiasm for these books and the movie and they are happy to share information with one another.

THR: Is it true you have an offer to direct the fourth "Twilight" movie?

Weitz: No official offer has been made. The fans have been enthusiastic about the footage and the trailer, and the studio responds to that by feeling good about me. We'll have to see how people feel about the entire movie, not only the studio but the fans, before the verdict is out whether I direct No. 4. David Slade is doing a great job on the third film, and by the time that comes out, he'll be the flavor of the moment.

THR: What really happened with Rachelle Lefevre being replaced for "Eclipse"?

Weitz: I don't know much more than everybody else as to why it went down. I think it was a scheduling conflict. I feel very badly for Rachelle, while at the same time I think that Bryce (Dallas) Howard is a terrific actress. She'll do a terrific job.

THR: That's a very PC answer. Are you getting coached?

Weitz: No, I seriously believe that Rachelle is very good and very talented and this is not the end of the world for her. I think she would have continued to be a great Victoria, but there are other roles in which she'll be terrific.

So Wrap-Up Party SANS Kristen Stewart Might be the Real Story?

People Magazine posted their story regarding the intriguing Eclipse wrap-up party

• There were no signs of Kristen Stewart – but Robert Pattinson was still enjoying himself at a wrap party for Eclipse at the Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park. The Brit star arrived with a small entourage, and stood with friends in a corner while an assistant-type brought him cocktails and food. "He looked good, relaxed and was really having a good time with his friends from the movie," a source tells us. Guests could enjoy a view of the beluga whales and music by Jackson Rathbone's band 100 Monkeys.

Kellan Lutz may not answer questions about whether he's dating AnnaLynne McCord – but the two sure flirted like crazy in the BlackBerry VIP lounge at U2's 360 show at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. The Twilight star arrived with his brother and his brother's girlfriend but just before U2 took the stage they were joined by McCord, and the tight-lipped pair seemed super giddy as they horsed around and laughed together.

• Meanwhile, Ashley Greene was back in Los Angeles, where she got hair extensions at the Parlour on 3rd. The process took the Twilight star nine hours but she entertained herself with a book and her new pup, Marlow, who accompanied her to the salon. Greene also ordered a soup and salad with her stylist, and later showed off her new do at the U2 show.

Read the whole article here

oh well, what can i say.. maybe she got another commitment back in LA? hehe.. no idea..

Kellan Lutz Compares 'Twilight' Films

'Each director is different,' 'Eclipse' star says.

By Larry Carroll

With shooting on "Eclipse" winding down and the "Breaking Dawn" movie still unconfirmed, these may be the final days that Twilighters see any Cullens on a film set for a while. With that in mind, we wanted to make sure we caught up with one of our all-time favorite "Twilight" stars — Mr. Kellan Lutz — at least one more time.

In between his "Eclipse" duties, the Snuggie-loving actor sometimes known as Emmett Cullen sat down exclusively with MTV to discuss his thoughts on the "Twilight" movies, including comparisons of the various films' directors and his favorite scenes from "New Moon," due out on November 20.

MTV: What do you see as the biggest difference between the tales in the "Twilight" saga?

Kellan Lutz: What's the biggest difference? That's an interesting question. Because the books are already about different subjects. Stephenie [Meyer] wrote them with the Romeo and Juliet aspect, and then, each one has a different persona. It's a really cool concept. But as far as the directors go, each director is different. Catherine [Hardwicke] was very energetic, and she made this beautiful movie. Chris [Weitz] had this really cool, really laid-back [vibe], but has a great sense of how to do CGI and how to make these wolves look real and bigger than life versus just some computerized image. Then David Slade, with his action background and his indie style, just mixed the two. The movies are going to be unique in their own aspects, and that's what's really interesting — it's not the same director doing each one. We, as actors, got to see different styles of [directing]. So it doesn't feel old, ever.

MTV: What is your favorite "New Moon" scene?

Lutz: My favorite scene is probably anything that Charlie is in, played by Billy Burke. He just has this great comedic timing, and every scene [with him], I get a laugh out of. And there's just tons of action. That's the thing too, seeing the wolves actually fight each other and roughhouse. It's really interesting to see what Chris did.

MTV: Which of the new characters is your favorite?

Lutz: The Volturi boys. I didn't meet them in "New Moon," so now [I see them on the "Eclipse" set]. I didn't have the time to meet them when we were shooting "New Moon" because the shooting schedules were different. So, with seeing them, and finally meeting them on "Eclipse," they're really cool. It's interesting to finally meet them. It's so weird being an actor in something and not being a part of the whole cast feeling.

MTV: As the saga continues to film, do you feel like you're becoming more or less like your character?

Lutz: I've been my character. I feel like I've been Emmett since day one. I really loved the character when I first had the audition for Edward. I was like, "No guys, come on [let me be in the movie]." And then I asked them about Emmett, and something was already done with that, and then it came back [available again]. I just really like Emmett. He's a great, fun character to play. I'm always so happy to be on the set. He's not depressing, he's not complex. He's just the lovable bear type.

huhu.. can't watch the clip.. hopefully some1 from youtube will upload this clip.. =(

What Do Twilight Cast Keep Inside Their Trailers

video credited to MTVU.COM

The New Moon cast talks about the stuff they keep in their trailers, like cashews and exercise equipment among other things.

Elizabeth Reaser is PRETTY!!!

New Moon Cast Appearances on Late Night Shows

credits to LionandLamb LiveJournal and GOSSIP COP

Late Night Shows appearences for Rob and Kristem

Morning shows are nice, but “New Moon” belongs at night – and Gossip Cop can exclusively reveal some major appearances its stars will make long after twilight.

Inside sources tell us Kristen Stewart will visit Conan O’Brien and “The Tonight Show” on November 16, while Robert Pattinson will guest on “The Late Show with David Letterman” on November 18.

Gossip Cop has ALSO learned that Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Ashley Greene are all booked for Jimmy Fallon’s “Late Night” program. Exact dates have yet to be confirmed.

And if you still need a Cullen family fix, Greene is scheduled to join Letterman on November 23.

Gossip Cop already broke the news about Pattinson’s imminent “Ellen” turn, as well as the “Today Show” schedule for him, Stewart, and Lautner. We will work to confirm any additional “New Moon” cast appearances as soon as possible.

yey! many reasons to stay up late.. =p

3 Main Cast of Twilight Saga Will be on Madrid on November 12, 2009

Thanks to ROBSESSED BLOG for posting and RPATTZNEWS for translations =p

The fan event that we've organized for you on November 12th, will be held at Madrid's Vistalegre Palace, starting at 7:15 pm.

The three main actors of the film: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be there, along with director Chris Weitz.

During the event, there will be many surprises including a Q & A with the actors and director.

There will also be clips and an exclusive preview, but the entire movie (NM) will not be shown.

Before the event begins, the actors and director will be signing
autographs inside the location.

Doors will open starting at around 5:15 pm and will close at 7 pm. For security reasons, even ticket/pass holders will be denied entry after that time.

So how do you get your pass/ticket to attend the event? The free passes will be available at the Vistalegre Palace ticket office starting at 10:00 am on November 12th. And note that it will only be one ticket per person.

There will be two types of tickets/passes available. The first 200 lucky fans in line, will get VIP access to the patio, where they will be closer to the actors.

The rest of the passes given out, will be for the stands, and they will be given out until the location reaches full capacity.

In case you don't want to wait in line that day, there are other ways to get a ticket to the event.

There are contests being organized, where the winners will be able to attend the fan event on November 12th.

For now these are two ways to enter for a chance at tickets to the event. and

Starting October 27th, if you buy a ticket to watch 'New Moon' starting on November 18th on either of those links, you qualify for a drawing to attend the fan event November 12th.

Each site will give away 500 passes/tickets to the fan event.

will they ever go here in toronto again and promote? but i guess they had a very bad experience last year on MUCH that i dunno if they would likely go here again...

Werewolf Kiowa Gordon Talks New Moon

credits to Twilightblog.Net

Kiowa Gordon plays the role of Embry Call, one of Jacob Black's closest friends and member of the Quileute pack

From POPRUSH: Eclipse wrap-up Party, NEW MOON

Monday, October 26, 2009

New TVSPOT New Moon Trailer


Robert Pattinson talks about how James Dean influenced his portrayal of Edward Cullen


Access Hollywood reports that super star Robert Pattinson's inspiration in his portrayal of Edward Cullen in the "Twilight Saga" was none other than the legendary James Dean.

”‘Rebel Without A Cause’ was a big influence on the first [‘Twilight’ film], It influenced the hairdo and stuff.” Pattinson, 23, told USA Today.

Pattinson talks about how even though Bella and Edwards relationship hits a rough patch in the upcoming 'New Moon' the story is still similar to that of Dean's most famous role.

In lots of ways, it has a very similar character arc: An everyday girl brings this relatively strange individual out of his slump."

Although surely everyone knows his name now, Pattinson says he used to get called by his characters name all the time.

“Right at the beginning, everyone just called me Edward,” he said. “I don’t really mind either way. There’s something about that character that, for some reason, has sparked an interest in massive degrees in so many different people.”

Robert seems to be getting more popular by the day, causing a huge paparazzi showing wherever he goes. Also causing the tabloids to plaster his face on their covers each week. The most tabloid buzz however is generated by his rumored relationship with his 'Twilight' co star, Kristen Stewart.

"I’m not entirely sure what it is,” he said of the fame that’s come with playing Edward. “I’ll probably realize afterward how I could have controlled it a little bit more. But I am still like a deer in headlights.”

he's a yummy JAMES DEAN!!! *oops sorry for the side comment

‘горoсkoп’ Magazine Scans (Russia)