Monday, October 26, 2009

Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene at LAX, Plus More Eclipse Filming Details

all of these are credited to EclipseMovie.Org

As we previously reported Eclipse vampire Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) has finished her parts in Eclipse. We now have confirmation that Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) is now finished filming Eclipse has he arrived back in LA and was seen with co-star Ashley Green at the LAX airport. I think its great that they are good friends!

We’ve also seen reports that there are only a few minor scenes left to film including some romantic scenes between Bella and Edward.

Lainey Gossip give some more Eclipse filming details -

We’re not quite finished yet though. A few scenes have yet to be shot and this will all happen in studio including “Edward” beating the sh-t out of and killing “Victoria”

Sooo looking forward to THAT!

You can check out the rest of the pictures over at!

Kellan and Ashley both live in LA and they consider themselves as bestfriends.. how cool was that... =)

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