Thursday, October 22, 2009

3rd Important Clip; THE VOLTURI IN ACTION!!

this was an exclusive from ACCESS HOLLYWOOD today, which was hyped eversince tuesdat night when they featured a teaser about this.. its the SCARY VOLTURI in action, Edward protecting Bella, Alice trying to get away from Felix' grab and the WHOA stunt (computerized stunt is the right term) of Bella with the help of Edward...

YT clip's Link:
uploaded by SamanthaImperfect

watch it here:

out of all the clips that went out today, this is the only clip i rewatched like a gazillion times.. omg! it hurts to see EDWARD (robpatts my love.. huh?!?!) being pinned down by that meanie DEMETRI but.. its the scene that i really really wanna see from the entire book, actually.. i am rereading New Moon and i am already pages away from this scene.. waa! its madness! and i don't ever wanna stop.. STOP ME IF YOU CAN.. i dare you! lol

AOTM, i haven't really finished watching the BREAKUP scene coz that one, i wanna feel real emotions while watching the film on Nov. 20... i can wait for that scene... its so sad in the book that i really wanna see how the both of them conveyed the feeling of trying to let go of someone you love more than your life opposite to trying to sink in what the person in front of you is trying to imply.. trying hard to battle the reality you already know the moment you stepped on that very place you are..... its not true.. ITS NOT... but sadly, it is.. sigh! i swear, NEW MOON is not my favourite book, actually its the least of my fave but.. that's the only book which actually conveys reality in any sense.....

i talk too much.. enjoy the clip!

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