Friday, October 23, 2009

Midnight Sun Fan-Made Video - INTENSE!!

I got this from a twilighter's blog which i completely forgot now.. its been lying on my browser for a while now. I've been planning to post this up in my personal blog but 2 days before i decided to make his blog out of disgust for some of my FB contacts who can't seem to stay off my page and discouraging me posting updates regarding NEW MOON. though i know its my page and no one can tell me what to post or not.. but, i don't know... i became so obsessed with the posting that i didn't take that criticism that well... anyways, i am enjoying this blog now and.. hehe... i got out of topic all of a sudden.. so here it goes...

credits to DARK SOUL VAMP for making these very beautiful, intense and professionally made fanmade video





this is good!! oh so good! it made me want MIDNIGHT SUN again... STEPHANIE MEYER! YOU MUST FINISH THE BOOK... this would be a better one than twilight... darn EDWARD! how can he be that perfect.... all the words on the clips were all from the MIDNIGHT SUN.. add the music which the producer used intensified it all... waaa! my twilight addiction is really getting out of hand now... WATCH IT!!!! out of those 4 episodes, i love the 4th one...

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