Friday, October 23, 2009

Some Updates From Twitter

i'll just compire some updates that you need to look after. These are all from twitter and i wanna shout my THANKS for them for all these fantastical updates which feeds me and my blog! lol...

@ENews: Hot new New Moon videos to show you on@ENews tonight at 7 and 1130pm!!
@Regis_and_Kelly Robert Pattinson will be on our show November 19th!! Don't miss it!
and there'll be a TWILIGHT/NEW MOON double feature! damn! i wish i live somewhere near america or i did follow what my friends told me to get a VISA to US so i could run and go there without hassles..

from @Twilight: Are you planning on seeing the #Twilight / #NewMoon double feature?

that's it for now.. and i'll be posting some pics and news in a while.. i've been very preoccupied by this latest addiction that i'm now neglecting other things.. especially my other fansite.. forgive me arjoe.. this will just be til november.. hehe until i see that movie that i've been so wanting for months now... =(

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